Progressive Club of the Islands

Sanibel Lighthouse
Welcome to PCI!

Welcome to the Progressive Club of the Islands (PCI) (formerly named the Democratic Club of the Islands) website.

Our mission is to provide information on important issues confronting our community, and to promote organizations and candidates which offer progressive solutions to these issues.

Click on this Contact Us link to add your name to our mailing list. To join PCI or to renew your mebership please visit the Join/Renew page and you can pay online or by mail (annual dues are $35 for an individual, $70 for a family). You can also support our efforts through a donation or by giving your time. 

We are very pleased to announce that Kari Lerner, candidate for US Congress, will speak with the members of PCI about PROTECTING OUR FREEDOMS on June 20, 2024 at 4pm via Zoom.  This is a closed meeting, only for PCI Members.  To get the Zoom link contact Annette Pacyga at   To learn more about Kari’s campaign go to her website at Kari Lerner for Congress (

Voting by Mail

Democrats who register to vote by mail are much more likely to vote than those who don’t.

If you would like to request a vote by mail ballot, please call the Supervisor of Elections office at 239-LEE‐VOTE  (239-533‐8683) from 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday or go online to to update your voter registration.  Your request to vote by mail must be received by the Elections office no later than 5 PM on the sixth calendar day preceding the election.

Enrollment in Vote-by-Mail is now only good for only one general elections. If you are not sure you are still enrolled, call the Supervisor of Elections office at 239-LEE-VOTE (239-533‐8683). They can check and re-enroll you over the phone.

If it has been over five years since you last registered to vote, please re-register to assure your current signature is on file.

For information on early voting, visit the Election Dates page of the Florida Elections website.

PCI Happy Hours Have Returned – New Location

We continue to have our PCI Happy Hour the first Thursday of the month at the fabulous TRADER’s Restaurant, 1551 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. 

Our next Happy Hour will be Thursday, July 11  @ 4:00 PM

Membership Approves Significant Changes to Club’s By-Laws

At our February 21, 2019, monthly meeting the membership of the club approved the by-law changes recommended by the Board of Directors.  The club will now be named the Progressive Club of the Islands (PCI).  We are looking forward to the greater opportunities for activism that our new by-laws allow.

Please click here to view the new club by-laws.For your reference, please click here to view Frequently Asked Questions on the changed by laws

Also, please click here to view the slide presentation on the changes.

PCI Potlucks are BACK!

PCI held our first potluck since Covid this month at the Sanibel Community House.  The potluck was very well attended, with a room full of people wanting to hear our guest speaker, Dawnyelle Singleton of Planned Parenthood, who spoke about YES on 4, the ballot item that will be on the November ballot, to protect women’s health care options, including abortion.  Dawnyelle reminded us that because the Amendment will require a 60% level of YES votes, we will need all voters to pass–Democrats, Republicans, and NPAs.  She suggested ways of being involved in getting the word out for voters to vote YES on 4.  The coalition supporting the proposed Constitutional Amendment includes groups such as the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Florida Rising, and Women’s Voices of Southwest Florida. The Progressive Club of the Islands is actively supporting this effort.

Pictured here: Annette Pacyga, Chair of the Progressive Club of the Islands, Dawnyelle Singleton of Planned Parenthood, and Ron Green, PCI Board member who coordinated the event.


For more information visit the website: About – Yes on 4 Florida (